At the May 2017 meeting of MUELEC, the ad hoc group working on revisions to the State Electrical Master’s Examination, reported that the work is well advanced and will be completed by the November 2017 meeting.
After its review and approval by the Uniform Exam Committee, the new examination will be printed for distribution to the Electrical Administrative Boards who are testing for the Master Electrical License. NOTE – all examinations for Master Electricians will be given on questions that are based on the 2017 National Electrical Code beginning January 1, 2018.
The company (PSI) giving examinations for the State Electrical Board has once again raised the issue that they feel that some exam questions are too difficult. On their own, they have eliminated some questions and tried to change the values on others.
After a lengthy discussion by all electrical administrative boards present, a motion was made and unanimously passed that the Maryland Master Electrical Exam questions must be given as constructed by the MUELEC organization. They must be used as originally formulated and formatted: 50 one-point questions; 10 – two-point questions, and 6 five-point questions.
The director of DLLR was dually notified of this action and has promised that PSI will stop their present procedure and follow MUELEC’s direction. MUELEC will not allow the test to be dumbed down and before the new 2017 test is distributed, all Electrical Testing Boards will be required to follow MUELEC questions and instructions.
Also at this meeting, the state-wide journeyperson licensing procedures were again discussed in detail. A resolution was made to hold any legislative action until a properly written bill could be distributed to all electrical boards, trade representatives, and any other affected parties. Some work is being done to try to get an official bill writer, make the necessary changes, and have a written copy so that a legislative bill can be introduced that will try to find solutions to the various problems raised.
The State DLLR also clarified that a statement has been added to the form that the State sends for their master license renewal. It will require a signed statement that the necessary ten hours of continuing education has been accomplished prior to the renewal of any two-year Master Electrician’s License.
No authorized papers will be required at the time of renewal; however, DLLR may randomly audit the signed affidavits and if complaints or problems arise, then written verification must be submitted or the license will be suspended until the necessary papers can be produced. We understand that the audit will be done on a 20 percent basis.