President’s Message

The school year has ended, and all the new journeypersons are now first year electricians.  This is a wonderful achievement for each and everyone who helped them over the past four years.  Be proud you have done it and now you will be helping others.  You can teach what you learned to your brother or sister or friends, inspire them to learn as you have.

The new 2020 Code is currently being written and you are still struggling with the 2017 Code.  Remember every three years they change the rules!!  This is why we must get our CEUs.  That means, you never know everything; as your mother told you, keep learning.

The trade you have chosen is moving very fast, but the pipe and wire must be installed properly not half fastened.  Computers and robots can’t work without you!!  You are a strange breed; the American electrician is a very ingenious person.  You must know every other trades’ work so you can move their job out of your way, then neatly replace it.

The work we do is easy and challenging.  You can work hard or work smart.  Once you do something wrong, learn not to do that again!!  Remember, we buy wire by the foot, others sell it by the pound!  Be careful when spending your money or your boss’ money.  Order material smart.  Keep control over it as it is your money.  A loss of material is coming out of your pocket either directly or by not getting a raise because your boss lost money due to your action.

The Electric League of Maryland is here to help you learn.  We are working with groups now teaching code and giving CEUs.  We have negotiated a discount on their classes.  We will have a list of participating groups with pass codes to get a discount for being a member of the League.

Keep plugging safety.  Remember to watch for our Lunch & Learn classes and annual Bull Roast.

Keep learning!

Peter Elmo

President, Electric League of Maryland